Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

sweet girls in actions

15 December 2010

Kemaren, gw dan temen-temen kurcaci gw berencana buat ngadain surprise party buat si Bodong. Setelah pertarungan ide, akhirnya surprise maksa itu pun terlaksana dengan lancar, aman dan terkendali. Si Bodong muka nya merah karena terharu (terharu karena dari orok gx pernah ngerayain ultah). Selesai kita nyanyi-nyanyi hepiberdey, potong kue dan makan kuenya, kita lanjut nodong traktiran. Sejam kemudian kita udah di warung steak. Udah di tempat makan pun kita masih bertarung nentuin menu, apalagi gw dan Kutil (bukan nama sebenernya) blon pernah ngacak-ngacak tuh tempat. Finally, kita berdua mikir oon, bingung mw pesen apa. Udah lama nunggu, si kutil bilang
“ aku mau es teh manis kak….”
Jeng….jeng…..!!!! gw nyengir. Kutil cepet banget nentuin pilihan..
Kalaw gitu, gw harus secepatnya menentukan pilihan sebelum kutil nentuin yang laen.
Atas rekomendasi dari Udel dan Markutu akhirnya gw pesen sirloin double dan tentu saja tidak mau kalah dengan Kutil, gw pesen es teh manis.hahahaha
Setelah makan dan perut membuncit, Udel yang hoby poto langsung ambil posisi sambil ngomong
“poto dulu sih…!!!”
Kita-kita gax mau kalah dan langsung pada ambil posisi, ada yang senyum manis (howek…), ada yang pegang piso sambil senyum sadis (itu gw), ada yang nyengir sampe kering gigi nya. Orang-orang yang lagi makan pada ngeliatin kita begaya gax beres, sepertinya mereka nahan guncangan keinginan buat poto bareng artis ibu kota(pinggiran) kaya kita-kita.
Abis bersiin sisa-sisa daging yang nyelip di gigi trus ngabisin sisa es teh manis (eh iya, kita semua jadinya pesen es teh manis, gax mau kalah dengan si Kutil), kita lanjut liat-liat ke toko baju seberang Warung Steak.
Disanalah kita rebutan baju-baju murah. Karena toko nya lagi gx rame, kita nyobain baju-baju se-enak udel nya si Udel. Dari mulai baju yang waras sampe ngacak-ngacak baju yang udah old fashion. Abis belanja dan poto-poto gx jelas kita langsung pulang. Tapi apalah daya, ternyata hujan menghentikan langkah kaki-kaki indah kita. So, kita duduk-duduk di depan tuh toko baju. Karena ujan nya lama dan kita mulai BeTe, si Bodong nyanyi kaya pengamen, di lanjutin sama Udel dan Markutu yang emang anak paduan suara, karena gw dan Kutil suaranya bagus banget (kalau ibu-ibu hamil yang dengerin, janinnya langsung kembar), kita diem aja dah.hehehe
Hujan pun berhenti di susul kedatangn mobil angkot yang siap membawa putri cantik beserta kurcacinya pulang. Finally, kita pulang.
*thank you my Kurcaci for an amazing night. :D

Senin, 13 Desember 2010

The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

After I finished read this novel, I would like to recommend this novel because there are many parts that make curious. It’s like when Eddie met The Blue Man, he said that Eddie will meet five people in heaven –his captain, a woman who was never he met before, his wife, and a boy who was he saved- and each of them will help Eddie know his life. I think this novel is pretty good.
Here also I want to tell you about my favorite character, he was Eddie. He was a solder, but when he got an accident which makes him crippled, he became a blacksmith. I liked him because he was spent a lot of his life to save people. He also was a good husband; he loved his wife so much.
And the last thing is I should like tell about best part in this novel. The best part I like in this novel is when Eddie met his wife in heaven. His wife, Marguerite, died because a cancer in her head and it made Eddie frustration. Eddie didn’t understand why his wife must be left him so fast whereas they still loved each other. But, finally he meet her in heaven, his wife said that death would never break up their love, never.
The value that I can take in this story is “believe that god will not create everything, especially us, without purpose.” We can see that when Eddie met five people in heaven, and how Eddie felt that his life was important for others.

Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen

Firstly, I would like to tell about this novel. This novel has a gripping story. It told about a girl, Juliana, who loved her neighbor, Bryce. There are many funny things and some touching scene that I found in this novel. It made me couldn’t stop read until I finished it. I also recommended this novel, especially for teenager.
Secondly, I am going to talk about the best character, she was Juliana. I like her because she was friendly, kind, strong girl, and also almost always forgive every body who hurt her. Although Bryce lied to her and also told about Juliana’s secret to his friend, Juliana could forgive him and try to forget it.
Finally, I should like to tell about the best part in this novel. The best part I like is when Bryce finally did what he really wanted to do. It’s happened when they were become adolescent. Juliana felt her love -from seven years old until they become adolescent- was ignored by Bryce, so she tried to find another boy. But, Bryce felt something was biting his heart when he saw Juliana lunch with another boy. He tried to kiss Juliana in front of others students, he didn’t know what was going on, but it’s happen.
Value that I can take from this novel is “try to believe what your heart talk you” because opportunity will not come twice.

Zoey fools around by Katherine Applegate

First, I want to tell you about this novel. This novel is interested because there are many parts in this novel makes me curious and want to know what will happen in the next chapter. After I finished read this novel I think this is a good novel. I recommended this novel to and I believe that you will love this novel.
Second, I should like tell about the character I like in this story. He was Lucas, he was Zoey’s friend who became Zoey’s boy friend in the last story. I like him because he was cool and a good man. He protected his friend, Claire, who was amnesia after an accident that killed Jake’s brother and he became a prisoner. Jake was Zoey’s boy friend and he was very hate Lucas, but Lucas never going to fight with him even Jake was almost always going to strike him.
The last is the best part in this novel. Entirety I like all of the contains of this novel but the most part I liked here when Zoey was falling in love with Lucas. In that time, Zoey found that Lucas was not the killer. Zoey left Jake who was her three years boy friend and accepted Lucas to be her boy.
Value that I could take from the story is “be a good friend” because like Lucas has done, even almost every body hate him in the beginning, but in the last story he made every body knew how very well he was.

kata-kata bijak soal cinta

13 December 2010
Pagi ini temen w yang lagi ultah dilema karna bingung mw nraktir qt ( w dan udel (bukan nama sebenarnya)) atau jalan sama pacarnya. Jelas aja w yang di tanya langsung bilang
“udeh…jalan aja sama cowok lo, nraktir kita mah bisa besok-besok” dengan suara sok ikhlas.
“maap yah…” kata bodong (nama samaran temen w yang lg ultah)
“nyantai aja kali…” w nelen ludah. Gagal dah dapet makan siang gretongan.
“w sebenernya gax enak sama lo be-2, tapi gimenong dong?”
W tau, si bodong ini pasti lagi minta penegasan dari w atas hubungan baru nya yang masih anget itu. Dengan bijak w berkata
“cinta itu ibarat tai, Dong. Awalnya anget, trus dingin dan akhirnya mengering tanpa meninggalkan bau sedikitpun”
Si bodong alisnya mulai naek, gax tau karna terkesan sama kata-kata bijak w atau dia tambah bingung. w pun lanjut berkata
“makanya, selagi tai lo anget, lo jaga baik-baik tuh. Jaga supaya tu tai tetep anget. Ngerti lo?”
Si bodong diem bentar, trus bilang
“jelek banget perumpamaan lo……!!!!”. Katanya sambil nurunin alis yang tadi hampir nyampe ubun-ubunnya.

bu' Sofia...oh bu' Sofia

13 December 2010
Akhirnya, w nulis juga….hehehe
Mata kuliah terakhir w hari ini adalah Hadist (baydewey…w kuliah d Univ. Islam). Setiap Bu’ Sofia ngajar, hampir satu kelas ngerasa dapet pencerahan yang sulit di ungkapkan dengan kata-kata. Bayangin aja, Bu’ Sofi ini selalu menerangkan nikmatnya syurga dan siksaan neraka. Bikin inget mati, trus pengen tobat kan? Tapi jangan salah, mata kuliah ini salah satu makul paporitnya kita-kita. Setidaknya, berkat Bu’ Sofi lah kita punya niat untuk bertaubat (Cuma sebatas niat, prakteknya sih….NOL!!!!)  seminggu sekali.
Dosen w bilang kita tuh gak perlu pacaran, kalau emang udah niat, kenalan trus nikah aja (kalau ngerasa cocok). Deg……!!! w tersinggung neh, masalahnya w udah pacaran lebih dari setaon, dan kita tuh saling mencinta dan mungkin gax ada yg bisa memisahkan kita (heleuh…!!!! eling nduk, ….eling). Walaupun qt (diriku dan kekasihku) pernah ngomong nikah (emmmmm) tapi gax sekarang juga kale…..!!!! pepatah lama mengatakan, “kencing aja blon lurus lo..!!” atau “anak-anak kok mw bikin anak”. Jadi w simpulkan bahwa pelajaran dari dosen w yang bijak dan datang membawa kebenaran itu, akan w ajarkan kepada anak-anak w kelak. Yah…setidaknya anak w bakalan tau mana yang baner. (percaya mama ya nak…? T_T)